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Library Distribution

Excellent titles, exemplary service

We are proud to have delivered millions of books to libraries around the world, working in partnership for over half a century.

Experts in customer satisfaction, our carefully selected publishing plan has been curated to ensure every borrower’s need is thought of. We work closely with every library area, from children’s library to the home library service, and with our dedicated servicing and catalogue teams we provide libraries with everything required to keep shelves full and borrowers happy.

We don’t believe in a ‘one-size-fits-all’ model, understanding that libraries are as diverse as the people that use them, with each having their own set of needs and requirements. Our sales and distribution departments work with each library personally to ensure these are always fulfilled, from our flexible supplier selection service providing high-quality and cost-effective collections to suit the library’s borrowing profile to our shelf ready processing ensuring all purchases arrive ready to be loaned.

Discover digital products with uLibrary

uLibrary simplifies the digital library experience, allowing borrowers to enjoy their favourite author or book wherever they go through the uLibrary app or browser platform.

Our collection of digital titles have been expertly curated for the modern library, with a focus on ensuring the most popular genres, authors and series are available. Alongside our beloved exclusive content, uLibrary is also home to thousands of eAudiobooks and eBooks from publishers including HarperCollins, Pan Macmillan, Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster and W.F. Howes.

Designed to offer a world-class user experience, uLibrary allows library members to discover and borrow titles in an instant, with no worry about late fees. With integrated features including our integrated audiobook clubs, algorithm supported Next Read suggestions and customisable reading and listening experience, library members will always find something to enjoy on uLibrary.

uLibray on iPhone devices

"We understand that libraries are as diverse as the people that use them, with each having their own set of needs and requirements."

Michele Petty
Managing Director

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Discover the next step in library publishing

uLibrary provides a secure and reliable app for library patrons, ensuring a secure, smooth space to browse, borrow, and return eBooks and eAudiobooks.